Mindful Self-Discipline - Giovanni Dienstmann
2h 2m
As a self-discipline coach, Giovanni Dienstmann has helped hedge fund managers, CEOs, entrepreneurs, ambitious professionals, artists and pro athletes to live a more focused and disciplined life. Since 2014 he has been successfully coaching people to overcome distractions, procrastination, self-doubt, fear, and other forms of self-sabotage.
Whatever self-discipline challenges you face, and whatever excuse you are telling yourself—Giovanni has seen it, and has developed a tool to deal with it.
Whether you need help building a consistent morning routine, breaking bad habits, finding your life purpose, increasing motivation and willpower, achieving your goals, or simply being more effective with your time and energy, Mindful Self-Discipline can help.
As a meditation teacher, Giovanni runs LiveAndDare.com, which is one of the top five most visited meditation blogs on the web. His first book, Practical Meditation, is available in eight different languages and has popularly been called “the meditation Bible”. Giovanni has over 10,000 hours of personal meditation practice and is a sought-after consultant to award-winning meditation apps. His meditation programs have helped over 20,000 people start a daily meditation practice, improve their psychological well-being, and master their minds.
Learn more about Giovanni Dienstmann: https://liveanddare.com/
Follow Giovanni on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/MeditationGio/
Buy Giovanni's book 'Mindful Self-Discipline': https://www.mindfulselfdiscipline.com/
00:00:53 – Sean Fargo introduces Giovanni Dienstmann
00:07:08 – Introductory words by Giovanni Dienstmann
00:08:11 – Overview of the session
00:09:29 – Ancient views of self-discipline
00:10:51 – What is self-discipline?
00:14:03 – What is mindful self-discipline?
00:19:45 – The benefits of self-discipline
00:21:44 – The two elements of self-discipline & masculine and feminine aspects
00:25:09 – Self-discipline and meditation
00:28:35 – Elements and types of meditation
00:30:45 – Meditation and passivity
00:33:14 – Effects of different types of meditation
00:39:21 – Overemphasis on letting go
00:44:40 – Benefits of meditation for self-discipline
00:49:30 – Question: Can you give an example of shallow attention vs deep attention?
00:51:30 – Question: Do you ever use the analogy of wisdom and compassion being two wings of the bird?
00:52:12 – Self-discipline and spirituality
00:55:08 – Spirituality and goals
01:01:27 – Four goals in life
01:07:32 – Building a meditation habit
01:08:49 – Why should we meditate daily?
01:12:14 – Key principles for building a daily practice – Tip #1: Setup
01:14:53 – Tip #2: Have a cue
01:16:21 – Question: Why is it best to meditate early in the morning?
01:18:08 – Question: Thoughts on the gap between intention and action?
01:22:34 – Trauma and self-discipline
01:33:08 – The Golden Rule
01:35:25 – Tip #3: Start small
01:39:46 – Tip #4: Never zero
01:47:55 – Question: What about small external rewards?
01:49:36 – Question: What if life conditions get in the way of our commitments?
01:51:17 – Question: Is it more beneficial to sit rather than lie down during meditation?
01:52:02 – Renew your commitment
01:53:54 – Question: How to convey the long-term rewards of daily practice to our students?
01:57:11 – Closing words from Giovanni